Game Development as Worship

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
— Colossians 3:17

I’ve never been to seminary, but if my understanding of Colossians 3:17 is correct, it means game development can be worship. For most people in the industry, I would imagine that the words “game development” and “worship” don’t go together. They might even laugh at the suggestion of there being some connection between them. But, if you’re a follower of Christ, then game development could be worship for you.

From my readings of the Bible, it seems like the whole purpose of life is to enjoy God and give Him glory. If the large blocks of time I spend each day in front of my computer working on games don’t give Him glory—then I have a big problem. I’ve been wasting my life! I should have gone to seminary and become a pastor, missionary, or hymn writer. God would be pleased with how I used my time then.

However, if you’re like me, then you feel a pull toward game development. You have a spark inside of you to create worlds, tell stories, make beauty, and create culture. Your heart tells you it’s important—because it is. It goes back to the first chapter of Genesis.

This blog is a place of sharing. A place where professional game developers will talk about what it looks like to try and walk out Colossians 3:17 in their careers. It is a place where God shows up in code and art, and storytelling. Worshipping our Creator through creating.

Those words, “whatever you do,” give me rest and peace. I hope they do the same for you. Go worship!

Brock Henderson

Brock believes the world is a better place when we play together. As co-founder and CTO of PxlPug, he is excited to share that message with the world. PxlPug’s purpose is to create a healthy community where individuals are valued for who they are and are encouraged to grow into who they were created to be. The studio does this by crafting games that bring people together.

A designer, developer, and entrepreneur, he has a passion for creating video games and a proven track record with over 25 shipped titles and 3+ million downloads. Before entering the games industry, he co-founded the design firm Paper Tower where he served as creative director for over a decade. During that time, he designed interactive experiences for clients like Coca-Cola, Motorola, and Harvard.

Brock currently resides in a small town in Iowa with his beautiful wife Vanessa and their six children.

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