Faith Forms | Christianity Shapes Game Development

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The Complexity of Games & The Simplicity of Christ

It's easy to get bogged down in the complexities of making games. A typical day for me consists of hopping between various programs to get my work done. For example, I currently have Unity, Rider (my IDE of choice), GIT Tower, Photoshop, Illustrator, Texture Packer, and Chrome open on my computer. I’m not an outlier here; ask around. Program names may differ, but every role in the industry requires proficiency in multiple tools and technologies today.

As a programmer, I try to fight the momentum of complexity and keep things as simple as possible. However, things inevitably become complex through the course of a project. This thrust toward complexity is technology’s natural bend. 

Throughout history, technology has built upon itself in ever-expanding layers. As game developers, we create on top of others’ work (complex hardware and software) as a base to create our own complex systems. With more platforms, growing budgets, and rising player expectations, I don’t foresee game development becoming simpler in the foreseeable future.

In an industry of ever-increasing complexity, the good news is God’s plan for us is refreshingly simple. In John 15, Jesus explains it this way, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.” 

Stay connected with me, and you’ll bear fruit. No intensive training course, expensive software, or task management system is required. Just be in a relationship with me, and as we spend time together, you’ll become like me. Simple.