Faith Forms | Christianity Shapes Game Development

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Uniquely Equipped To Love Our Culture

Do you ever doubt the value you bring to the world? 

Sometimes, the question pops into my head, and I think: I have friends who are pastors, teachers, doctors, and builders. They are helping people in real, tangible ways, and I create video games—entertainment. 

It's the type of thought the enemy likes to bring up repeatedly to sow seeds of doubt. To make matters worse, the church, by and large, hasn't been encouraging or understanding of video games and their role culture either.

However, as I can continue to lay these matters before the Lord, He reassures me that creating games does have value, and He can use them for the kingdom. It's a message that I need to hear. And if I need to, other developers would also benefit from hearing it. 

So, when given the opportunity to speak at the 2023 Christian Game Developers Conference, I wanted to pass on the encouraging word the Lord had been sharing with me: Christian game developers are uniquely equipped to love and minister to our culture.


What are the things that keep people from connecting and flourishing? Jesus came so that we may have abundant life (flourishing), but few seem to be. We live in a complicated world with a myriad of interconnected systems. Some systems have been exploited and distorted, some designed in flawed and shortsighted ways, and others may need to be dismantled and replaced. Christian game developers are uniquely equipped to love and minister to our culture in this time of instability, mistrust, and continuous hustle.