Faith Forms | Christianity Shapes Game Development

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The Christian Game Developers Conference

Since starting this site over two years ago, I've been exploring what being a Christian in the games industry means. I would be remiss if I didn't highlight an organization that has greatly blessed me on my journey—the Christian Game Developers Conference (CGDC). 

For the past twenty years, CGDC has been a gathering place for Christian game makers worldwide. Though small in attendance, the conference has had an outsized impact on its attendees, including me. In attending the event over thirteen times, I've met some of my best and closest friends, and as a byproduct, it has led to numerous career opportunities.

When Tim Emmerich started the conference, he wondered whether anyone would attend. 20+ years later, he continues to be amazed that God persists in drawing people to the event. I've served on the organization's board for the past two years. I can attest how much work goes into organizing the yearly conference and facilitating its online groups year-round. Tim has faithfully stewarded the responsibilities of the conference for over two decades behind the scenes and away from the spotlight. And even though he does not seek honor, it is deserved for his humble obedience and faithfulness. Thanks are also due to Charlie Mauck, Michael Herrara, and numerous others who volunteered their time, energy, talents, and resources to ensure the event happened.


What is CGDC like in comparison to GDC?

There is little resemblance between the conference except in name, and those attending are interested in game development. GDC is one of the leading industry events for game development. It attracts tens of thousands of attendees and has representation from stakeholders across the industry, from platforms to engines to middleware, studios, individual developers, and everything in between. It is an excellent place to network, conduct business, hone your skills, and see what is coming down the pipe. 

CGDC, on the other hand, is a small, intimate gathering that focuses on building community, encouraging faith development, and exploring the intersection of faith and game development. I’ve heard it described as being closer to a church camp than an industry event and I believe that’s fair. It's hard to quantify the value I get from attending CGDC, but I always leave the conference feeling refreshed, inspired, and encouraged, and I have made at least one new friend.

What is CGDC’s attendance?

The conference averages 60-100 attendees, with a few years close to 150. It's a small, intimate conference that allows people to connect and get to know each other. Because the attendees are all part of the same spiritual family, there is an ease and honesty that most conferences don't have.

Who should attend CGDC?

No matter where you are in your game development journey, whether you are just starting or a seasoned veteran, there is value in attending the conference—this also holds true for board game developers. It may be true that those earlier in their pursuit may receive the most value from attending (most attendees are hobbyists or indies). However, as I've mentioned, the benefits I've received over the years have focused on refreshment, faith encouragement, and friendships, which are not tied to age, position, or experience in the industry.

Beyond the conference, the CGDC community offers opportunities to learn and develop your skills throughout the year. With programs such as SAGE groups (think small groups for game developers), community game projects, and online discussions, attending the conference is a great way to quickly get plugged into the community and start taking advantage of all the community offers.

If you're reading this blog, chances are you would benefit from being a part of CGDC. Use the links below to get plugged in. I look forward to connecting with you!


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