Regenerative Game Development
Regenerative agriculture is a farming approach and spiritual discipline that prioritizes the health and fertility of the land, as well as the well-being of the people who work it. Could there be a regenerative approach to game development, and if so, what would it look like?
The Christian Game Developers Conference
For the past twenty years, CGDC has been a gathering place for Christian game makers worldwide. Though small in attendance, the conference has had an outsized impact on its attendees.
Are There Too Many Games?
Are there too many games? It’s an odd question when coming out the mouth of a game developer; it’s even stranger when asking a bunch of people this question at the beginning of a game jam.
- 1 Corinthians
- 1 Thessalonians
- Abundance
- Acts
- Algorithms
- Art
- Authenticity
- Authority
- Babel
- Beauty
- Blame
- Bugs
- C.S. Lewis
- Christian Games
- Church
- Colossians
- Community
- Complexity
- Conflict
- Constraints
- Control
- Corinthians
- Creation
- Creativity
- Culture
- David
- Discouragement
- Diversity
- Doubt
- Ecclesiastes
- Endurance
- Evangelism
- Exodus
- Failure
- Fear
- Flourishing
- Free Will
- G.K. Chesteron
- Game Design
- Generosity
- Genesis
- Goals
- Hebrews
- Honor
- Hospitality
- Humility
- Hypocrisy
- Identity
- Interview
- Isaiah
- James
- Jeremiah
- Jesus
- John
- Joy
- Judges
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- Love
- Matthew
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- Psalms
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- Soma
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- Uncertainty
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- Worship
- Zechariah