The Beauty of Games
Games have the capacity to beautiful, to be meaningful. But locating that beauty and meaning is not easy.
Connecting Minecraft With Christ
Whether consciously or intuitively, Notch designed a low-fi sandbox that resonates with God's creation in ways that helped catapult it to the best-selling game of all time.
- 1 Corinthians
- 1 Thessalonians
- Abundance
- Acts
- Algorithms
- Art
- Authenticity
- Authority
- Babel
- Beauty
- Blame
- Bugs
- C.S. Lewis
- Christian Games
- Church
- Colossians
- Community
- Complexity
- Conflict
- Constraints
- Control
- Corinthians
- Creation
- Creativity
- Culture
- David
- Discouragement
- Diversity
- Doubt
- Ecclesiastes
- Endurance
- Evangelism
- Exodus
- Failure
- Fear
- Flourishing
- Free Will
- G.K. Chesteron
- Game Design
- Generosity
- Genesis
- Goals
- Hebrews
- Honor
- Hospitality
- Humility
- Hypocrisy
- Identity
- Interview
- Isaiah
- James
- Jeremiah
- Jesus
- John
- Joy
- Judges
- Language
- Lies
- Loss
- Love
- Matthew
- Ministry
- Missions
- Mobile
- Moses
- Pathfinding
- Paul
- Peace
- Perspective
- Play
- Poetry
- Power
- Prayer
- Pride
- Priorities
- Programming
- Proverbs
- Psalms
- Relationships
- Romans
- Safety
- Sin
- Soma
- Stewardship
- Storytelling
- Success
- Testimony
- Theology
- Timothy
- Truth
- Uncertainty
- Video
- Violence
- Vulnerability
- War
- Wisdom
- Work
- Worship
- Zechariah