Indies and Ministries
More and more ministries are waking up to the importance of gaming in our culture and the need to engage with it. If we could connect ministries with independent game developers, it would unlock untold blessings within the church and the world.
- 1 Corinthians
- 1 Thessalonians
- Abundance
- Acts
- Algorithms
- Art
- Authenticity
- Authority
- Babel
- Beauty
- Blame
- Bugs
- C.S. Lewis
- Christian Games
- Church
- Colossians
- Community
- Complexity
- Conflict
- Constraints
- Control
- Corinthians
- Creation
- Creativity
- Culture
- David
- Discouragement
- Diversity
- Doubt
- Ecclesiastes
- Endurance
- Evangelism
- Exodus
- Failure
- Fear
- Flourishing
- Free Will
- G.K. Chesteron
- Game Design
- Generosity
- Genesis
- Goals
- Hebrews
- Honor
- Hospitality
- Humility
- Hypocrisy
- Identity
- Interview
- Isaiah
- James
- Jeremiah
- Jesus
- John
- Joy
- Judges
- Language
- Lies
- Loss
- Love
- Matthew
- Ministry
- Missions
- Mobile
- Moses
- Pathfinding
- Paul
- Peace
- Perspective
- Play
- Poetry
- Power
- Prayer
- Pride
- Priorities
- Programming
- Proverbs
- Psalms
- Relationships
- Romans
- Safety
- Sin
- Soma
- Stewardship
- Storytelling
- Success
- Testimony
- Theology
- Timothy
- Truth
- Uncertainty
- Video
- Violence
- Vulnerability
- War
- Wisdom
- Work
- Worship
- Zechariah