A Prayer for the Joyful Programmer
Programmers have a reputation for being grumpy. It might just be a misconception, and a little PR help could clear it up. However, as a programmer and a follower of Jesus, the existence of this reputation creates tension in me. Being grumpy is at odds with the joy Jesus said should fill us.
Bugs, Blame, and Shame
Way back in the garden, Adam and Eve started a game that we continue to play. We all know how to play it. I see my kids do it all the time. That game is the blame game.
Unexpected Benefits
In my life, I've found that things not only go better when we follow God's principles, but we tend to reap a bunch of unexpected benefits as well. Telling the truth in code follows this same trend.
Describe & Declare - Revealing Truth in Code
When you focus on writing code that describes and declares, it naturally tells the truth.
When Code Lies
Have you ever considered that the code you write could be telling a lie? We’ll explore three common programming mistakes that lead to untruthful code.
The Power of a Name
As a programmer, I spend a lot of time thinking about names—way more time than the average person. Names are powerful, and yet in our modern, western world, we forget that sometimes.
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