Creating Games Through The Lens of Love

I had the pleasure of giving a virtual talk for Biola University's game design class taught by Professor Michael Steffen. The lecture I delivered was entitled Creating Games Through The Lens of Love, and if you have spent time on the blog, the content of this talk may be familiar to you. This talk represents the first effort I've given to speaking on the subject, and I'm still working on tying all my thoughts on the subject into a cohesive whole. However, this idea is the foundation of my thinking concerning what it means to approach game development as a Christian, and I look forward to developing further.

I want to extend a special thanks to Professor Steffen. He graciously accepted my request to record the talk so I could share it on Faith Forms. Thanks again, Michael, for your time and effort spent recording and editing the session.

Brock Henderson

Brock believes the world is a better place when we play together. As co-founder and CTO of PxlPug, he is excited to share that message with the world. PxlPug’s purpose is to create a healthy community where individuals are valued for who they are and are encouraged to grow into who they were created to be. The studio does this by crafting games that bring people together.

A designer, developer, and entrepreneur, he has a passion for creating video games and a proven track record with over 25 shipped titles and 3+ million downloads. Before entering the games industry, he co-founded the design firm Paper Tower where he served as creative director for over a decade. During that time, he designed interactive experiences for clients like Coca-Cola, Motorola, and Harvard.

Brock currently resides in a small town in Iowa with his beautiful wife Vanessa and their six children.

Don’t You Know Games Are Addictive?


Waves of Discouragement