Faith Forms | Christianity Shapes Game Development

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Unexpected Benefits

In my life, I've found that things not only go better when we follow God's principles, but we tend to reap a bunch of unexpected benefits as well. Take, for example, Jesus's commandment to love one another. If we were to list all the reasons we think it's important to obey that commandment, I bet we would come up with a pretty long list. However, I'm not sure how many health benefits would have made it onto our list—I know health doesn't immediately jump to my mind when I think about loving others. It turns out, though, that there is a long list of health benefits for the people who put Jesus's words into practice.

I think this same trend applies to telling the truth in code. Because the principle aligns with what God says concerning the importance of truth, employing it not only creates an opportunity to worship, but I've found that it has productivity, business, and emotional benefits as well.

God designed this world to operate in specific ways, and when we align ourselves to those ways, we reap the benefits. So I ask you...

Do you want to go fast?

Tell the truth in code.

Do you want to reduce confusion and frustration?
Tell the truth in code.

Do you want to reduce opportunities for bugs?
Tell the truth in code.

Do you want to cut down on meetings?
Tell the truth in code.

Do you want to want to onboard new team members faster?
Tell the truth in code.

Do you want to enjoy working in your codebase?
Tell the truth in code.